Development Notes

From Influenza Ontology Wiki
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Please visit our SourceForge page for development notes.

Research Use Case:

The CEIRS group chose a specific published project (link below) that investigated the effects of PB1-F2 sequence polymorphisms on influenza infection in order to guide the extension of the BioHealthBase database system to support primary CEIRS experiment data and to establish minimum information standards for unambiguous representation of viruses. That particular paper was chosen as a good representation of a typical research paper generated by one of the CEIRS. The ontological components were biomaterial transformations, assays, and data transformations.

Conenello GM, Zamarin D, Perrone LA, Tumpey T, Palese P (2007) A Single Mutation in the PB1-F2 of H5N1 (HK/97) and 1918 Influenza A Viruses Contributes to Increased Virulence. PLoS Pathog 3(10): e141. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.0030141

More information about the use case and minimum information standards is available on our SourceForge page.